

Goals...why set them? Whether you are coming in with low back pain and want to be able to sleep at night or you want to play volleyball or football without medial knee pain, goals matter. Without specific goals we may stray away from what is important.

Why are goals important?

In every form of treatment we do, we focus on your goals and how to accomplish them. We will constantly discuss how each treatment, movement, or exercise is serving your goals.

Performing an adjustment or exercise for the sake of "doing something" will not help you reach your goals. Each treatment component needs to be centered around your needs and wants.

What are my goals as the doctor?

My goals is for you to be informed on why we are doing each exercise/adjustment and how it will help you accomplish your goals. If you are interested in letting me help you reach your goals, please call (331) 307-7110 to schedule an appointment today.

Flexibility vs. Stability


Have you ever heard or thought, "I've been to a chiropractor and been adjusted but it just seems to come back" or "I keep stretching my hamstrings but they are always tight" or "I can get a massage but it only lasts for 1-2 days"? You are not alone. But first, some definitions and benefits. Flexibility: the quality of bending easily without breaking. Stability: the state of being stable (not likely to give way or overturn; firmly fixed)

Benefits of flexibility training:

  • Reduces stress in the exercising muscles
  • Increase range of motion
  • Reduces the risk of injury during exercise and daily activities

Benefits of Stability and Strength training:

  • Helps develop better body mechanics
  • Protects bone health and muscle mass
  • Boosts energy and improves mood

Why do these matter?

Flexibility and stability should not be considered as separate entities.

Without stability, a flexible muscle can feel tight or continually cause pain and discomfort. If someone is extremely flexible they can also be at increased risk of injury because they cannot adequately support themselves.

Without flexibility, you are strengthening dysfunction. For instance, if our adductors are tight  and we try to squat, we may not be able to deep squat because the adductors are limiting hip flexion. Rather than strengthening an incomplete squat we should increase the flexibility of the adductors thereby allowing a squat below 90 and then add strengthening. You don't want to strengthen a muscle that doesn't have its full range of motion.

Why has chiropractic/massage/stretching not worked for me?

When we talk about frequently getting chiropractic adjustments, massages or stretching without success, we are talking about increasing flexibility. The thing is, these areas may already be flexible and what they really need is stability/strength.

Rather than stretching until your face goes blue, it is important to find out what your body truly needs - which may be stability/strength.

Why do I have pain when lifting?

If you are frequently battling aches and pains when lifting, you may need to increase flexibility of specific muscles.

Rather than lifting through the pain, it is important to find out what your body truly needs - which may be flexibility

My head is spinning, how do I find out what I need?

Call (331) 307-7110 to schedule an appointment today for a thorough evaluation to determine what your body needs. It may be a balancing act of both flexibility and stability!

Postpartum Rehab


What is postpartum rehab? Your body went through a lot of changes in both pregnancy and delivery (both vaginal or cesarean delivery) that can effect your muscles, connective tissue and movement. Rehab focuses on decreasing negative side effects of childbirth and caring for children - pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, diastasis rectus abdomens, low back pain, neck pain and headaches, and sciatica.

What does the evaluation include?

Your exam includes a musculoskeletal exam where I assess your body's structure, muscles, and tissue as well a diastasis recti examination. I will also assess mobilization of abdominal scar tissue (for cesarean or any previous surgeries such as an appendectomy).

Is this treatment instead of seeing a pelvic floor specialist?

No. Depending on the findings from your evaluation, a referral to a pelvic floor specialist may be warranted.

What does postpartum rehab look like?

Once again, it depends on your evaluation but a "typical" rehab program includes breath work, smart and functional movements, as well as strength and conditioning. The program will be catered to your goals.

Speaking of goals...what is the goal of postpartum rehab?

My goal in teaching postpartum rehab is for women to understand and heal their bodies in a safe manner. It's not about aesthetics...if you follow the nutrition and fitness advice given, the body will change in a desired way but that is accomplished through movements that will help you safely navigate life as a mom.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Call Dr. Lauren at (331) 307-7110.

"Fun" in Functional Rehab

Putting the "Fun" in Functional

What is functional rehabilitation?

Functional rehabilitation is similar to physical therapy but there is greater emphasis on exercise strategies and a focus on the body function necessary for daily life. It focuses on PURPOSEFUL movement.

What could functional rehab do for me?

Functional rehabilitation is effective in restoring and improving strength, endurance, balance, agility, stability, power, coordination, speed, flexibility and body control. Functional rehab focuses on quality movements over quantity. Whether you aspire to be an elite athlete or just want to sit on your couch without pain, functional rehab can be beneficial as it is tailored to your goals.

What is Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)?

DNS helps develop conscious control of individual muscles and body awareness, including posture, respiration, affecting balance, coordination, and kinesthetic sense. These factors can be critical in treating the underlying causes of lower back pain.

Why do it?

Functional stabilization is required for safe purposeful movement and is essential to static loading of the spine. Functional stabilization helps all movements from sitting and standing to squatting and cleaning.

But...why is this fun?

Movement is life and life should be fun. The exercises are focused to you and your goals. So yeah, I lied...they may not always be fun. But they are effective at helping you reach your goals, which is better than fun anyways.

I'm interested...how do I learn more?

Contact Dr. Lauren at 331-307-7110 to schedule an appointment today.

Prenatal Chiropractic

Prenatal Chiropractic

What is Webster Technique?

Webster Technique is a specific adjustment used to reduce sacroiliac joint dysfunction in order to improve function of the pelvis. For more information check out the icpa.

Why would I go to chiropractor when pregnant?

Pregnancy is a time of change and can cause symptoms including low back pain or headaches for many women. Thanks to the increased back curve, pelvic changes and postural adaptations, many women have pain they may not have previously had and chiropractic can help a women develop proper movement and function.

What should I expect from my visit?

Before any treatment is rendered, a thorough examination will be performed to make sure it is safe to treat and to determine the best treatment options. From there your treatment options will be discussed which may include a chiropractic adjustment, acupuncture or appropriate movements and exercises that are safe throughout the motherhood transition (prenatal and postpartum).

Why would you give me exercises during pregnancy?

Four words: core stability and function. Thanks to different hormones being released and postural changes, it is not uncommon for pregnant women to have instability. Rather than adding to that instability or ignoring it, Dr. Lauren prefers to give women exercises that are safe during pregnancy.

You said exercises...what if I don't exercise?

Your list of exercises is catered to you and your needs and goals. They can range from simple breathing exercises or core exercises to squats. Pregnancy is a time to work on functional movements and a time to prepare your body for birth through appropriate movements.

How do I make an appointment?

Call Dr. Lauren at (331)307-7110 today to schedule an appointment.