Prenatal Chiropractic

Prenatal Chiropractic

What is Webster Technique?

Webster Technique is a specific adjustment used to reduce sacroiliac joint dysfunction in order to improve function of the pelvis. For more information check out the icpa.

Why would I go to chiropractor when pregnant?

Pregnancy is a time of change and can cause symptoms including low back pain or headaches for many women. Thanks to the increased back curve, pelvic changes and postural adaptations, many women have pain they may not have previously had and chiropractic can help a women develop proper movement and function.

What should I expect from my visit?

Before any treatment is rendered, a thorough examination will be performed to make sure it is safe to treat and to determine the best treatment options. From there your treatment options will be discussed which may include a chiropractic adjustment, acupuncture or appropriate movements and exercises that are safe throughout the motherhood transition (prenatal and postpartum).

Why would you give me exercises during pregnancy?

Four words: core stability and function. Thanks to different hormones being released and postural changes, it is not uncommon for pregnant women to have instability. Rather than adding to that instability or ignoring it, Dr. Lauren prefers to give women exercises that are safe during pregnancy.

You said exercises...what if I don't exercise?

Your list of exercises is catered to you and your needs and goals. They can range from simple breathing exercises or core exercises to squats. Pregnancy is a time to work on functional movements and a time to prepare your body for birth through appropriate movements.

How do I make an appointment?

Call Dr. Lauren at (331)307-7110 today to schedule an appointment.