To plank or not to plank…that is the question. There are pros and cons to planking in everyday life and even more so during pregnancy. So here are the ups and downs and special considerations for doing the plank while pregnant:
VLOG: Say Goodbye to Tight Hips in Pregnancy
Tight hips are pretty common in pregnancy but that doesn’t mean you have to deal with it. Here are a couple of variations of a hip flexor stretch to help you during pregnancy (and postpartum and life in general). And remember, this is a gentle stretch…if you notice you start to use your back instead of your hips you’ve gone too far!
VLOG: How to Get Off the Floor While Pregnant
So you’re pregnant, that doesn’t mean you can’t get up and down from the ground. In fact, it’s a great way to get lunges and squats into your daily activity routine. And who doesn’t want to exercise without going to a gym? Here are two ways to get off the floor while pregnant:
But doc, my knees kill! That probably means we need to make a few modifications to make these moves work better for you. Go ahead and book a visit and we’ll work together to get you movin’ and a groovin’ from the floor soon.
VLOG: A Guide to A Better Pregnancy Pee
VLOG: How To Sit While Pregnant to Reduce Tailbone Pain
Sitting while pregnant can be a real pain in the butt (pun 100% intended). Here’s a video with a quick tip on how to sit while pregnant so you can hopefully minimize that pain and get back to doing your thing.
If you continue to have butt pain, low back pain, tailbone pain or hip pain while pregnant, set up an appointment with Dr. Lauren for personalized care to meet your needs.